
                  Candida Detox Planner: Common Symptoms Of Candida Infection

Candida is a fungus that causes an overgrowth of yeast in the body. The Candida Detox Planner offers valuable insight into common symptoms and how to get rid of them. Candida, or Candida Albicans, is a type of yeast that lives in your gut and on your skin without causing any problems for most people. But sometimes, it can cause serious health issues such as thrush (infection of the mouth) or vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis.

And suppose you have HIV/AIDS, are taking antibiotics or suffering from diabetes. In that case, you're at particular risk for developing a Candida infection too. Common Symptoms Of Candida Infection: You may be suffering from a Candida infection if you experience the following symptoms: Constant fatigue and brain fog: You may experience lethargy and have a foggy brain without knowing why. Itchy skin: The itching can be quite severe and last for days, causing your skin to feel flaky and scaly too.


In the Candida Detox Planner, you'll also get information on controlling or overcoming the following symptoms of a Candida infection. Constipation or diarrhea - In extreme cases, you could end up with both at once! Heartburn - This condition is sometimes caused by Candida and may cause a severe burning sensation at the top of your stomach and sometimes even in your throat. Bad breath - Oral thrush is a common Candida symptom when the yeast infection spreads to your mouth. You'll notice it as bad breath or a white film on your tongue.

Lactose intolerance - Some people who become lactose intolerant during a Candida infection can go back to drinking milk once the condition has been treated. Others may find they remain sensitive to dairy products for life, though. Frequent, smelly or dry stools - If your poo stinks or it's loose and watery, you could have a yeast infection in the digestive tract. Headaches - Candida can cause severe headaches. There may be nausea and vomiting too. Mood swings - You may find yourself feeling irritable, anxious or unable to control your moods without knowing why.


Weepiness - People who suffer from depression and weep easily during a Candida infection should consult their doctor. It could indicate a more severe condition like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or bipolar disorder. Hair loss - You'll notice hair loss on your head first, but there could also be a general loss of hair all over your body, especially on your underarms and groin area. Thyroid problems - It's not uncommon for people with hypothyroidism to experience mood swings and weight gain. Your thyroid gland regulates several functions in your body, including metabolism, which can affect how you feel physically and psychologically.

Skin rashes or acne - An overgrowth of Candida yeast in the body can cause a red, itchy rash. It may also be accompanied by dandruff or dry, flaky scalp. Eye problems - If you experience vision problems such as blurred eyesight, your doctor should check if a fungal infection like Candida could cause them. Menstrual cycle problems - Some women find their periods become irregular during a Candida infection, and there may be other symptoms, too, including pain and breast tenderness.